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Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland

Today, we're proud to announce our new name: Te Whatu Ora | Te Toka Tumai Auckland.

Te Whatu Ora was gifted to us by an expert advisory group, headed by pou tikanga Rahui Papa. From today, you will start to see Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand.

Te Whatu Ora is ‘the weaving of wellness’. Though there can be other conceptual interpretations of the name, one context for Te Whatu Ora is found in the weaving of culture – bringing two or more strands together to weave a basket; a basket of life.

In the weaving tradition, the whatu is the weaving process that brings together the aho (horizontal thread) and whenu (vertical thread).

Te Whatu Ora is the combining together of people, resources, organisations, thoughts and actions for the betterment and wellbeing of all.

Te Toka Tumai is our proud and stable foundation, the rock that stands firm in the Waitematā Harbour. Te Toka Tumai reminds us that the health system needs to be a solid whole, where all the activities across the continuum of health are joined.

We’re still the same team, serving the same community. 

Aside from our new name, you will start to see gradual changes from today. It will not change who your GP or health provider is, or your ability to go to your local hospital or specialist appointment.

Why was the name changed?

On 1 July 2022 Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand and Te Aka Whai Ora – Māori Health Authority became Aotearoa’s new national health authorities and Auckland DHB as an entity was disestablished and became part of Health New Zealand. 

Health New Zealand and the Māori Health Authority have their own governance structures, therefore DHB Boards and Advisory Committees ceased to operate on 30 June 2022.

Health New Zealand and the Māori Health Authority are committed to delivering a health system that is simpler and more coordinated, allowing for better and more consistent care to support all New Zealanders to live longer and have the best possible quality of life.()

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