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Acute Pain Clinic - Nurse Led

Public Service

The management principles of this service are:

  • Continuity of care within the case management model of the nurse specialists within ADHB
  • To provide a analgesic medication review for patients who have been under the care of the APS as inpatients
  • To lower the risk of presentation to the Emergency Department and readmission for pain management alone, in patients recently discharged from hospital
  • To provide education about pain and its management
  • To provide telephone support for patients and health providers
  • To provide education on evidence–based, holistic lifestyle measures, in order to assist in the management of pain
  • To refer on to the Auckland Regional Pain Service (TARPS), physio or further MDT support if more comprehensive assessment is required and appropriate.

Auckland City Hospital

Street address

2 Park Road
Auckland 1023

Postal address

Private Bag 92 024 Auckland Mail Centre Auckland 1142

Phone: (09) 367 0000

Greenlane Clinical Centre

Street address

214 Green Lane West
One Tree Hill
Auckland 1051

Postal address

Private Bag 92 189 Auckland Mail Centre Auckland 1142

Phone: (09) 367 0000

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