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Volunteer Stroke Scheme - Regional

Public Service

About the Service
Volunteer Stroke Scheme (VSS), is an Auckland-wide service that supports people in using, maintaining and enhancing their communication after a stroke.

The service provides volunteers who are trained as “conversation partners” and who use total communication strategies to give people opportunities to participate in effective communication and social interaction.

This interaction takes place in a one-to-one or conversation group setting. Interactions may be in-person or using video calling, depending on what works best and on any covid-19 restrictions.

People referred remain under the oversight of a speech language therapist for the duration of their time with the Volunteer Stroke Scheme.

You can watch a video of one of our volunteers in action click here.


How a stroke can affect communication
A stroke can affect communication in one or more of the following ways:


-  Weakened muscles make speech sound slurred/ indistinct.


-  Difficulty recalling words or knowing how to say them

-  Using the wrong (or made up) words

-  Misunderstanding the meaning of words - this may come across as difficulty hearing

-  Spontaneously repeating the same words or phrases

-  Difficulty reading; understanding words and/or reading words aloud

-  Difficulty spelling words

-  Difficulty understanding or saying numbers e.g. dates, time, money.

These communication difficulties can result in frustration, embarrassment and a sense of isolation.  Eventually this can lead to withdrawal from social interaction.  Trained volunteers will provide the client with a supportive and positive environment for communication.


North Shore, Takapuna

Street address

Te Whare Karaka
Auckland 0622

Phone: (09) 441 8959, ext 43012

The information on this page has been provided by, helping people better understand and use New Zealand health services.