We want to work together with you so that you receive the best healthcare possible.
When you’re in our care, you have the following rights:
to be treated fairly, with dignity and respect
to make your own decisions about your care and treatment
to be able to change your mind about aspects of your care
to be asked for your consent (verbal or written) before we carry out any treatment or procedure. (We may take into account the views of your family or whānau if you are not able to communicate with us)
to have your cultural needs respected
to be made aware of the choices you have for your treatment, including the benefits and risks involved. (In medical emergencies this may not always be possible)
to be communicated with in a way that you understand. To be offered an interpreter, if necessary
to have all treatments, tests or procedures clearly explained to you
to have your personal information kept confidential
to have a family member or support person accompany you (for safety reasons this may not always be possible).
These rights also apply if you are asked to take part in a research study or teaching session for training staff.
These rights are based on the Code of Health and Disability Consumer’s Rights. A full copy of these rights is available from the Health and Disability Commissioner.()
For printable PDF versions of Your Rights patient brochures click below:
The Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service() provides a free, independent advocacy service to help people ensure their rights are respected. Phone 0800 555 050 or 09 525 2700 for the Auckland Central office.
The Health and Disability Commissioner() is an independent government agency set up to promote and protect the rights of consumers who use health and disability services; help resolve problems between consumers and providers of health and disability services; and improve the quality of health care and disability services.